The Mission:

Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.

Day 5

I had to purchase a new agenda beacuse the one I had was in the purse that was stolen. After a long search with minimal patience, I had to go for my last resort...Walmart. Man oh man do I really dislike Walmart (I thought I hated Walmart, but apparently not enough to step foot in there..which I shamefully did).  I won't go  too deeply into the reasons for why I think the Walmart Corporation is unethical, but instead I will provide a picture I slyly snapped while during my 1.5 minute visit into their store.

Perhaps you're wondering why I'm talking about Walmart in my no new clothes project.  These shirts are $1 at Walmart. One Dollar.  At first instinct, I wanted to look through them, cause c'mon they're a dollar. Then I remembered my mission. I don't need to buy things because they're cheap. I'll just end up accumulating things I'll eventually throw out.


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