The Mission:

Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.

Day 22

Tonight, in the midst of writing a paper for class I clumsly knocked my laptop over and well...

I suppose I'll have to live an even more simplistic life, unvoluntarily. Between my car accident and then my camera being stolen (along with my other belongings in my purse), and now my laptop being broken, it would seem as though I'm being stripped of my things one by one.  I was shocked with how gracefully (some would say otherwise) I handled my laptop getting broken. In a way, I'm a bit grateful for all the other crazy things that have happened to my recently, because it made my laptop breaking seem like not that big of a deal.
 In the end, they're just material things that can always be replaced.


nenner said...

Like a work of art. Take it to the Lourve.

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