The Mission:
Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.
Day 28
Last night a group of us went to the Philadelphia Orchestra at the Kimmel Center for Kramer's 25th birthday. I suppose he wanted to go all out and make it a classy affair. I believe we succeeded. Addison and I got ready at Kati's apartment. In the midst of attempting to make ourselves look glamorous, Kati mentioned (or perhaps I asked her...) that she had clothes she didn't need anymore and was thinking of donating. Since she was aware of my clothes project, she generously gave me the clothes she didn't want anymore. Because I haven't bought anything for the past month, and will not for the next 11 months, receiving used clothes (especially from the Kati's lavish closet) was overly exciting. I think that when I'm done with this project that I might only just buy used clothes. It's much better for the environment too!
Overall, the classy night out was heaps of fun. I also can firmly say that going to the orchestra and sitting in the 2nd row (only due to the fact that we were students being placed in unoccupied seats) was definitely one of the top 10 best things I've ever experienced in my life. They played Mozart symphonies and we were so close you could see the facial expressions of all the musicians. The 25 year old violin soloist was so phenomenal, I even got emotional watching and hearing him play. It was experiences like going to the orchestra that made me so grateful that God gave me the ability to hear and see, which is something I take for granted daily.
stop by soon for more clothes. :)
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