The Mission:
Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.
Day 20
First Day of Spring!
First day in a long time of absolute gorgeous weather. Of course, Sarah and I decided to take advantage of such a beautiful day. We both had a few errands to run and instead of driving, we decided to ride bikes to every place we had to go. Sarah wanted to get sunglasses so we biked to Ross. I'll admit, I definitely look through their clothes and saw a few sundresses that were super cheap. But, I refrained myself from reaching a point where I would feel new clothes withdraw and managed to walk away unscathed (how dramatic..). Currently, I've been trying to remove myself from the temptation to buy new clothes (or not even place myself in any such situation). Hopefully as this project further progresses, I'll have developed the ability to window shop and not feel a thing.
Though it took us a while to get places, it definitely made us feel a little bit greener for the day.
In fact, I was so green that I even biked through the drive through ATM to get money (Also because I had to since there was no other ATM in the building).
Man. That is simply amazing.
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