The Mission:

Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.

Day 72

I have been receiving generous donations from people once they've been finding out that I gave up buying clothes.  Then I started to realize that I might end up with more than what I started off with when I began this project. One of the main goals of this project was to move towards a more simplistic life.  Though I have definitely been limiting my consumption, I still feel like I'm living in excess. So I decided to go through everything I had and see what I didn't need. I was able to "clean out my closet" and put together a garbage bag full of clothes I didn't need or didn't wear and donate it.  And from now on, for every "new" item of clothing I receive from people, I will try to donate one item of clothing I already own so that I can keep the amount that I own consistent.


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