The Mission:

Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.

Day 112

It's been a while since I updated this but that doesn't mean I started to buy clothes. I'm 112 days strong of not purchasing any clothes! Here's a brief recap of the past 40 days (at least the things that are most pertinent to my project):

- I turned 25. Mary got me some clothes for my birthday, many of which were recycled clothes! Jenn also gave me a recycled skirt and a paramore t-shirt. My friends threw me a surprise ice cream themed party. It ruled.

- My mom and her friends had a garage sale to raise money for a catholic organization. She asked me to go through things I didn't want. I managed to let go of a lot of things, even a lot of clothes. It was very refreshing.

- Addison and I watched "No Impact Man". I HIGHLY recommend watching it. It's about this family that lives in NYC that tries to reduce their ecological foot print for 1 year by doing everything they possibly can to not waste or create anymore negative impact on the environment. Many of the things were pretty outrageous like not purchasing toilet paper, but I definitely think I walked away with how to change my lifestyle easily in order reduce my ecological footprint.  Which leads me to..

- Addison and I made our first compost bin. Hopefully we will one day be able to create a sustainable garden.

- Many sports happenings have been currently surrounding me. Flyers (sorry guys), world cup, baseball. And for that, it's tempting to purchase sports paraphernalia and t shirts. But I've been able to hold back.

- I went to a local church's carnival 3 of the nights it was being held and spent a good amount of money on carnival games and food.  I really do enjoy spending my money on doing and experiencing things over buying materials things. Plus the money I spent was supporting the church anyway!

- Mary and I got massages at the mall (again another experiential thing) but walked around while we were there. It's been really rare since I started this project that I've stepped foot in a mall.  It wasn't all that difficult to look at clothes and not feel the need to purchase them. In fact, I saw this really retro looking dress at Old Navy that was super rad but I remained true to not buying anything.  I didn't feel any remorse. Hooray!

- Addison and I went to the movies and saw Toy Story 3. It was nothing less than what I expected it to be...amazing.

I'm almost at my 4 month mark. Happy Father's Day!


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