The Mission:

Not buying any new clothes for one whole year in hopes to move towards my goal of living a life of simplicity.

Day 6

Today was the first bouldering (rock climbing) competition that Addison and I ever entered. I've only been climbing for 3 months, but it was still a ton of fun to participate. There weren't many girls that competed so by default, I ended up placing 2nd in the women's beginner division.  Along with some awesome prizes, I won this sweet t-shirt from the gym that the competition was held:

Back when I was in college, I remember getting free shirts all the time, pretty much for every club/activity/event that I participated in. I have saved a handful, but the rest I ended up giving away. Now that I'm not buying any new clothes, I'm certainly holding more value towards the things I receive for free, even if it's just a t-shirt.  In addition, once I learn how to sew, I plan on tailoring this shirt myself (since it's a little big on me) so that I can wear it more on occasions instead of only for sleeping or going to the gym. 


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